Monday, October 31, 2011

A Halloween Prayer

I pray that our kids would have an understanding (and that we would teach them well) of good and evil, of right and wrong.  I pray that evil and wrong and mischief and destruction have no appeal for them, but that creativity and imagination and laughter and treats are the more attractive.  I pray they would have no desire to even pretend evil.

Friday, October 28, 2011


May I remember, as I look at my older child, the joy and amazement and wonder I felt when she was new.  The overwhelming love.  May I choose to be amazed by her again, and to love her that fully and unconditionally.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Like Me

This child will turn out like me.

I need to reflect you and be like you so that she will turn out like you.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Heart for the Poor

May her heart reflect your heart for the poor.
May she not see herself as better than or as above anyone else.
May she love the poor.
May she be generous with her money, her time, her goods.

Monday, October 17, 2011


May her mouth bring forth words that are encouraging and not harsh.
May she speak words of life.
May she speak gently.
May she have discernment enough to speak fittingly.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Like Children

Lord, you said it was those like little children, in a humble place, who would enter the kingdom.  May our children, with their natural curiosity and faith, find you now, before cynicism and other opinions take root and make it harder to change.  May we see an example to follow in our children,  and not just hurry them to grow up and be like us.

(Matthew 18)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Standing Strong

Lord, I pray you'd help my child find a balance between not wanting to be ridiculed for her faith and standing strong in her love for you.  May she never choose to deny or be ashamed of her faith.  May she view you and your opinion as far more important than that of her friends.

Monday, October 3, 2011


Lord, it's hard to see sick children.  Please keepher immune system healthy enough to fight off sickness and infection.  I pary this bit of a cold is gone soon and doesn't pass on to anyone.  Help me know what I can do to help her feel better and stay healthy.

I pray for the children around the world who do not have the health care we do - strenthen their immunities and give their mothers wisdom as well.